- Can he speak English? Yes, he can (speak English). 他会讲英语吗?是的,他会讲英语。
- He can (hardly) speak English,can he? 他几乎不能说英语,对吗?
- How many languages can he speak ? 他能讲几种语言?
- He speaks English with a Chinese accent. 他讲英语带有汉语口音。
- He speaks English, but his native tongue is German. 他会说英语,但他的母语是德语。
- So this is Tristan. And does he speak English? 这就是崔斯汀?他会说英语么?
- Yes, he speak English perfectly. 是的,他英语讲得很纯正。
- So many languages can he speak that he should have no problem traveling around the world. 他会说这么多种语言,因此环游世界毫无问题。
- He speaks English with great fluency. 他的英语说得非常流畅。
- He speaks English so well, that he's often taken for a native. 他的英语说的那样好,常被人误认为英国人。
- I think you hurt his pride by laughing at the way he speaks English. 我觉得你嘲笑他说英语的方式刺伤了他的自尊心。
- He speaks English so well that he is thought of as a native speaker. 他讲英语讲得很好,大家以为他是个道地讲英语的人。
- Susannah:So this is Tristan.and does he speak English? 苏珊娜:这就是崔斯汀?他会说英语么?
- He speaks English as if he was an Englishman. 他讲英语就像一个英国人似的。
- He speaks English as though he were an American. 他讲起英语来好像他是个美国人。
- He speaks English and French with equal fluency. 他说英语和法语同样流利。
- He can speak English fluently and accurately. 他能准确流利地说英语。
- He speakes English as if he were an Englishman. 他说起英语好象他是个英国人似的。
- He can speak English after a fashion. 他多少能讲点英语。
- I asked him if he spoke English. 我问他是否会说英语。